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Hospital Appointments Information

You can book, cancel or change a hospital appointment by contacting a hospital directly by phone or through their website. Please do not contact the Practice regarding your arranged hospital appointments, unless you are a vulnerable patient.

In view of the ongoing situation with coronavirus (COVID-19), hospitals have been receiving a number of queries from patients about their scheduled outpatient appointments. The telephone lines are extremely busy, so here are the main points you need to know:

  • If you have been given a hospital appointment, please attend as normal unless:
    – You are advised otherwise by the hospital or Track & Trace, or
    – You have a fever and/or a new continuous cough
  • Hospitals are contacting patients directly if they have to cancel or rearrange appointments, or if they are offering phone or video appointments. So if you do not hear from them and do not have symptoms, please do attend your appointment as normal.
  • To protect patients and staff from the potential risk of coronavirus, please attend your outpatient appointment alone if possible. If someone is bringing you to the hospital, please ask them to drop you off and return when you’re ready to go home. If you need to have someone with you during your appointment, please bring one person only.

Use NHS e-Referral online 

You can also use the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system, to book cancel or change your appointment. It’s fast, convenient and secure.

  • check your appointment details
  • change your appointment
  • cancel your appointment
  • cancel your referral

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